As a supplier of novelty handbags, we offer you a wide range of excellent quality and affordable tote bags, messenger bags and shoulder bags. Discover our large collection of women's handbags that will delight all your customers.
Browse the selection, choose the bag models you like the most and buy when you want from our online wholesale store. Moda Server Pro is THE B2B marketplace specializing in the sale of bags for professionals. Trust our impeccable customer service and our products with unbeatable value for money!
Ah, handbags! It is much more than a simple fashion accessory, it is the soul of a woman’s wardrobe. At home, we understand that better than anyone. We offer you a whole range of handbags so that all your customers find what they are looking for. Whether for a stroll in town or for a chic evening, we have something to satisfy all tastes and desires, even the most sophisticated.
And the best part? By choosing to make your purchases from an online wholesaler specializing in handbags and fashion items, like us, you will be able to expand your collection without skyrocketing prices. We're talking about low prices, good deals, stocking up without breaking the bank. In short, a gold mine for finding perfect handbags in quantity and at prices that make you smile.
Find many models of bags in patent leather, imitation leather (python, crocodile, suede ...), velvet, polyester, straw ... We offer many shapes, materials and colors to satisfy all your customers. Hand or shoulder bag, shoulder or handle bag, clutch bag, our bags are suitable for all occasions and every wardrobe.
Thanks to regular arrivals of leather goods, discover chic, elegant and original fashion accessories and a wide range of products likely to expand your clientele. Large tote bag, small bucket bag, tote shopping bag, bowling bag, duffel bag, round bag, purse bag, satchel bag ... Choose what will please your customers the most (or try originality!) And choose different colors: camel, beige, taupe, brown, khaki, multicolored, navy blue, silver, two-tone, coral, ecru, fuschia, dark purple ...
The baguette bag is making a comeback after experiencing immense success in the 2000s with the series Sex and The City and its heroine Carrie Bradshaw. Remember to offer it to your customers in store. Its small format allows you to take only the essentials with you while being at the forefront of fashion.
The fanny pack is also popular, in a larger format than in the 1980s and worn across the chest. Practical, the waist bag becomes a fashion accessory in flashy colors and rhinestones to shine in the evening.
The wicker bag must also be part of the collection that you offer to your customers. A real summer trend, they will allow your clients to stand out with a bohemian chic look.
Visit our e-shop regularly and take advantage of new products to place an order!
Moda Server Pro is the ideal wholesaler for fashion professionals for several reasons.
So, let's start at the beginning! Our wholesale site is a bit like the Eldorado of handbags. We have everything: small, large, chic, practical... and above all, at prices that really please. By shopping with us, it is clear that you will be able to save money on your purchases while spoiling your customers with top quality bags.
But wait, that's not all! Our customer service team is very knowledgeable. A question ? A doubt ? Need advice on the latest trends? We're here, ready to chat and guide you so you can find exactly what you need for your clients. And yes, we're on top of the trends, so we can definitely help you stay one step ahead with handbags that will create a buzz.
Finally, we are not novices. Selling wholesale handbags for professionals is our hobby. We know the business inside out, which means we are very well placed to offer you quality gems at prices that will make you say "wow". By choosing Moda Server Pro, you are betting on quality and good deals. We promise, your customers will love what you offer them!
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