Do you manage a leather goods and fashion accessories store? Come see our selection of leather goods and leather handbags, perfect for any time. With us as your wholesaler, take advantage of super nice prices on lots of different styles, like shoulder bags or leather backpacks, specially designed for ladies.
Go ahead, make your choice! We keep delivery costs low for you, and we update our selections all the time. This way, you can always surprise your customers with something new every month.
Our natural leather handbags adapt to every wardrobe and will easily find a place in a feminine wardrobe. Take a tour of our online store and choose from our models of leather bags for women:
Functional, timeless and beautiful at the same time, the leather bag reveals the femininity of each woman by bringing her confidence and self-confidence. No matter what type of bag you choose (pouches, small bags, large tote bags, etc.), offering the quality of in-store leather to your customers gives you a weight advantage.
All our leather bags carried by hand or carried on the shoulder are of impeccable quality. We check every woman's handbag in grained, smooth or nubuck leather before shipment. Zipped pocket closure, compartments, shoulder strap, color, fasteners… Everything is there to ensure perfect service. Renew your spring-summer or fall-winter collection without asking any questions: we take care of everything!
Delivery in 48 to 72 hours
No minimum order
+33 (0)6 51 65 60 09
Monday to Friday from 10:30 to 18:30
For 15 days
+ 25,000 satisfied customers ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐