Are you a professional reseller and do you offer leather goods in your store? You should find your happiness here! As a supplier, we offer you a wide choice of bag models of all kinds to offer new products to your customers: handbags, backpacks, travel bags, tote bags and on this page, computer bags 15 inches.
These bags and backpacks are specially designed to protect your customers' laptops. You will find different shapes: computer backpacks, shockproof shoulder bag, hand bag... Depending on our arrivals, the models may change.
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When they push the door of your shop, your customers are looking for an article but also for advice to guide them in their choice. It is also your role as a salesperson to direct them to the model best suited to their needs.
Here you will find different formats for a laptop bag:
Computer bags are designed to resist shocks and protect the laptop from scratches for safe transport from point A to point B. Padding is added to each bag for optimal protection against shocks.
Whichever model you choose, your customers can use the bag as carry-on luggage on an airplane. The backpack offers additional storage space to slide your computer but also to store the charger, an external hard drive, headphones, a pen and a mobile phone in the side pockets.
The large central compartment is often divided in two to use the bag as a document holder or to add a toiletry bag and a few things to go on a weekend or on a business trip to a European city.
Depending on the arrivals, you will have the choice between several colors of computer bags for men and women (black, purple, gray, navy blue, khaki, beige, etc.). Order now! Delivery is fast and at a single price, with no minimum purchase required.
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