Discover our exclusive selection of David Jones handbags at Moda Server Pro, your supplier of wholesale bags and small leather goods. Offer your customers a wide selection of tote bags, shoulder bags, backpacks for women, all at unbeatable prices!
We know how handbags are a must-have fashion accessory for all women. This is why we have brought together a variety of models, colors and materials to meet the needs of your customers. From large shopping bags for weekend shopping to small minaudiere bags for dressy evenings, we have everything you need to satisfy all desires.
Our David Jones bags are made from top quality synthetic materials, offering meticulous finishes that perfectly imitate leather. Polyester and polyurethane are used to ensure the strength and waterproofness of each bag, while the sleek designs add a touch of sophistication to any outfit.
We follow trends closely to offer you an ever-renewed collection of women's handbags. Plus, with our stellar customer service and year-round great prices, you can be sure to find the David Jones handbags your customers love at Moda Server Pro. Order now on our online store and offer your customers the best in leather goods!
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+33 (0)6 51 65 60 09
Monday to Friday from 10:30 to 18:30
For 15 days
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